High Risk Latex - 015

High Risk Latex - 015

Uniseal® High-Risk Nitrile Textured Exam Gloves are a full 12” long with 15 mil of nitrile giving the most protection of any glove we offer. Yet even with its thick barrier, our gloves provide great tactile sensitivity while wearing them. Its fully-textured surface makes it easy to pick up instruments and objects. With its thickness, sensitivity, and gripping ability, these gloves meet National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) specifications.Uniseal® High-Risk Nitrile Textured Exam Gloves are a full 12” long with 15 mil of nitrile giving the most protection of any glove we offer. Yet even with its thick barrier, our gloves provide great tactile sensitivity while wearing them. Its fully-textured surface makes it easy to pick up instruments and objects. With its thickness, sensitivity, and gripping ability, these gloves meet National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) specifications.
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